Sunday, January 31, 2016

They that trust in the LORD shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever.  Psalms 125:1

.....the greatest service that we can do unto God is to trust him.  For this is the nature of God to create all things of nothing. Therefore he createth and bringeth forth in death, life; in darkness, light.  Now to believe this is the essential nature and most special property of faith.  When God then seeth such a one as agreeth with his own nature, that is, which believeth to find in danger help, in poverty riches, in sin righteousness, and that for God’s own mercy’s sake in Christ alone, him can God neither hate nor forsake.          
                                                                                                                                              Martin Luther

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Most of us know what it is to be overwhelmed in heart; emptied as when a man wipeth a dish and turneth it up-side down; submerged and thrown on our beam ends like a vessel mastered by the storm.  Discoveries of inward corruption will do this, if the Lord permits the great deep of our depravity to become troubled and cast up mire and dirt.  Disappointments and heart-breaks will do this when billow after billow rolls over us, and we are like a broken shell hurled to and fro by the surf.  Blessed be God, at such seasons we are not without an all-sufficient solace; our God is the harbor of weather-beaten sails, the hospice of forlorn pilgrims.  Higher than we are is He, His mercy higher than our sins, His love higher than our thoughts.  It is pitiful to see men putting their trust in something lower than themselves; but our confidence is fixed upon an exceeding high and glorious Lord.  A Rock He is since He changes not, and a high Rock, because the tempests which overwhelm us roll far beneath at His feet; He is not disturbed by them, but rules them at His will.  If we get under the shelter of this lofty Rock, we may defy the hurricane; all is calm under the lee of that towering cliff.  Alas! such is the confusion in which the troubled mind is often cast, that we need piloting to this divine shelter.  Hence the prayer of the text.  Lord, our God, by Thy Holy Spirit, teach us the way of faith, lead us into Thy rest.  The wind blows us out to sea, the helm answers not to our puny hand; Thou, Thou alone canst steer us over the bar between yon sunken rocks, safe into the fair haven.  How dependent we are upon Thee!  We need Thee to bring us to Thee.  To be wisely directed and steered into safety and peace, is Thy gift, and Thine alone.  This night be pleased to deal well with Thy servant.  
                                                                                                                                           C. H. Spurgeon

Friday, January 29, 2016

.....We sadly neglect the assembling of ourselves together for the simple reading of the holy Scriptures.  There does not seem to be sufficient attraction in the Word of God itself to bring us together.  There is an unhealthy craving for other things; human oratory, music, religious excitement of some kind or other seems needful to bring people together,—anything and everything but the precious Word of God.
     It will perhaps be said that people have the Word of God in their houses, that it is quite different now from what it was with Israel; every one can read the Scriptures at home, and there is not the same necessity for the public reading.  Such a plea will not stand the test of truth for a moment.  We may rest assured, if the Word of God were loved and prized and studied in private and in the family, it would be loved and prized and studied in public.  We should delight to gather together around the fountain of holy Scripture, to drink, in happy fellowship, of the living water, for our common refreshment and blessing.
     But it is not so.  The Word of God is not loved and studied, either privately or publicly.  Trashy literature is devoured in private, and music, ritualistic services, and imposing ceremonies are eagerly sought after in public.  Thousands will flock to hear music, and pay for admission, but how few care for a meeting to read the holy Scriptures!  These are facts, and facts are powerful arguments.  We cannot get over them.  There is a growing thirst for religious excitement, and a growing distaste for the calm study of holy Scripture and the spiritual exercises of the Christian assembly.  It is perfectly useless to deny it.  We cannot shut our eyes to it.  The evidence of it meets us on every hand.
     Thank God, there are a few, here and there, who really love the Word of God, and delight to meet, in holy fellowship, for the study of its precious truths.  May the Lord increase the number of such, and bless them abundantly.  May our lot be cast with them, “till traveling days are done.”
                                                                                                                                       C. H. Mackintosh

Thursday, January 28, 2016

From a Letter by John Newton dated June, 1773

My Lord,
.....The hour is coming when all impediments shall be removed.  All distinctions shall cease that are founded upon sublunary things, and the earth and all its works shall be burnt up.  Glorious day!  May our souls be filled with the thought, and learn to estimate all things around us now, by the view in which they will appear to us then!  Then it will be of small moment who was the prince, and who was the beggar, in this life; but who in their several situations sought, and loved, and feared, and honoured the Lord.  Alas! how many of the kings of the earth, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, will then say (in vain) to the mountains and the rocks, Fall on us, and hide us!  In this world they are for the most part too busy to regard the commands of God, or too happy to seek his favour; they have their good things here; they please themselves for a while, and in a moment they go down to the grave: in that moment their thoughts perish, their schemes are left unfinished, they are torn from their possessions, and enter upon a new, an untried, an unchangeable, a never-ending state of existence.  Alas! is this all the world can afford!.......
     May the cheering contemplation of the hope set before us support and animate us to improve the interval, and fill us with an holy ambition of shining as lights in the world, to the praise and glory of his grace, who has called us out of darkness!  Encompassed as we are with snares, temptations, and infirmities, it is possible (by his promised assistance) to live in some good measure above the world while we are in it; above the influence of its cares, its smiles, or its frowns.  Our conversation, our citizenship, is in heaven.  We are not at home, but only resident here for a season, to fulfil an appointed service; and the Lord, whom we serve, has encouraged us to hope that he will guide us by his wisdom, strengthen us by his power, and comfort us with the light of his countenance, which is better than life.  Every blessing we receive from him is a token of his favour, and a pledge of that far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory which he has reserved for us.  O! to hear him say at last, "Well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord!" will be a rich amends for all that we can lose, suffer, or forbear, for his sake.         
                                                                                                                                               John Newton


From a Letter by John Newton to a Mr. B.--May 19, 1775

My Dear Sir,
I hope you will find the Lord present at all times, and in all places.  When it is so, we are at home everywhere; when it is otherwise, home is a prison, and abroad a wilderness.  I know what I ought to desire, and what I do desire.  I point him out to others as the all in all; I esteem him as such in my own judgment; but, alas! my experience abounds with complaints.  He is my sun; but clouds, and sometimes walls, intercept him from my view.  He is my strength; yet I am prone to lean upon reeds.   He is my friend; but on my part there is such coldness and ingratitude, as no other friend could bear.  But still he is gracious, and shames me with his repeated multiplied goodness.  O for a warmer heart, a more simple dependence, a more active zeal, a more sensible deliverance from the effects of this body of sin and death!  He helps me in my endeavours to keep the vine-yards of others; but, alas! my own does not seem to flourish as some do around me.  However, though I cannot say I labour more abundantly than they all, I have reason to say with thankfulness, by the grace of God, I am what I am.  My poor story would soon be much worse, did not he support, restrain, and watch me every minute.  Let me entreat your praises and prayers on the behalf of me and mine; and may the Lord bless you and yours with an increase in every good.                         
                                                                                                                                            John Newton  

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

.....the faithful apostle found his deep and unfailing delight in unfolding and dwelling upon those precious subjects which clustered, in rich luxuriance, around the Person and the cross of his adorable Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  He had found in Christ all he needed for time and eternity.  The glory of His Person had completely eclipsed all the glories of earth and of nature.  He could say, "What things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.  Yea, doubtless, and I count all things but loss, for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord; for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ" (Phil. 3:7-8).
     This is the language of a true Christian, of one who had found a perfectly absorbing and commanding object in Christ.  What could the world offer to such an one? what could it do for him?  Did he want its riches, its honors, its distinctions, its pleasures?  He counted them all as dung.  How was this?  Because he had found Christ; he had seen an object in Him which so riveted his heart that to win Him and know more of Him and be found in Him was the one ruling desire of his soul.....If any one had suggested to him the thought of getting on in the world or of seeking to make money, what would have been his reply?  Simply this: I have found my all in Christ; I want no more.  I have found in Him ''unsearchable riches"—''durable riches and righteousness."  In Him are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.  What do I want of this world's riches, its wisdom, or its learning?  These things all pass away like the vapors of the morning; and even while they last, are wholly inadequate to satisfy the desires and aspirations of an immortal spirit.  Christ is an eternal object, heaven's centre, the delight of the heart of God; He shall satisfy me throughout the countless ages of that bright eternity which is before me; and surely, if He can satisfy me forever, He can satisfy me now.  Shall I turn to the wretched rubbish of this world—its pursuits, its pleasures, its amusements, its theatres, its concerts, its riches, or its honors to supplement my portion in Christ?  God forbid!  All such things would be simply an intolerable nuisance to me.  Christ is my all and in all, now and forever. 
                                                                                                                                       C. H. Mackintosh

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

I love to steal awhile away
  From every cumbering care,
And spend the hours of setting day
  In humble, grateful prayer.

I love in solitude to shed
  The penitential tear,
And all His promises to plead
  Where none but God can hear.

I love to think on mercies past,
  And future good implore,
And all my cares and sorrows cast
  On Him whom I adore.

I love by faith to take a view
  Of brighter scenes in heaven;
The prospect doth my strength renew
  While here by tempests driven.

Thus, when life’s toilsome day is o’er,
  May its departing ray
Be calm as this impressive hour,
  And lead to endless day.  Amen

            Phoebe H. Brown, altered

Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice.  Ps 55:17

     Mrs. Phoebe Hinsdale Brown was the daughter of George Hinsdale, and was born at Canaan, NY, May 1, 1783.  In reply to a question addressed to her by Rev. Elias Nason, she answered:  "As to my history, it is soon told:  a sinner saved by grace and sanctified by trials."
     An orphan at two years of age, she came upon the world in a somewhat poverty-stricken plight, and had to meet its rough ways as best she could.  She did not learn to read until she was eighteen years old, and it is recorded that she never had more than three months' schooling in the whole of her life.  Timothy H. Brown, a house-painter, married the affectionate and faithful creature, and she went to live in Ellington, Tolland County, Conn. 
     She was poetic by temperament, dreamy, a lover of nature, and deeply religious.  Her life was hard, her children were fretful, neighbors could not understand her when she went away into an adjacent grove to be by herself and pray, gossips gave other reasons.  Then she somehow composed a poem in nine simple stanzas, entitling it "An Apology for my Twilight Rambles, Addressed to a Lady."  This bears date of Ellington, August, 1818.  This hymn, as it now generally appears, was published in Village Hymns, compiled by Nettleton.
     She afterward told a friend that the piece was kept in a portfolio for a long time, and probably Rev. Lavius Hyde got hold of it and so it came to Mr. Nettleton, who afterward applied to her for some few more of the same sort.  She furnished two or three, but they were less valuable than the first one, and needed modification.  She once wrote that when her spot among the trees was broken up she often "thought Satan had tried his best to prevent her from prayer by depriving her of a place to pray."  Whether this was true or not, her later poems did not fulfill the promise of this hymn by which she is best known.                    
                                                                                          CHARLES SEYMOUR ROBINSON, D.D.

Monday, January 25, 2016

         Sing to the Lord a joyful song,
         Lift up your hearts, your voices raise,
         To us his gracious gifts belong,
         To him our songs of love and praise.

         For life and love, for rest and food,
         For daily help and nightly care,
         Sing to the Lord, for he is good,
         And praise his Name, for it is fair.

         For strength to those who on him wait,
         His truth to prove, his will to do;
         Praise ye our God, for he is great;
         Trust in his Name, for it is true

         For joys untold that from above
         Cheer those who love his sweet employ,
         Sing to our God, for he is love;
         Exalt his Name, for it is joy.

        For life below, with all its bliss,
        And for that life, more pure and high,
        That inner life which over this
        Shall ever shine, and never die.

        For he is Lord of heav’n and earth,
        Whom angels serve and saints adore,
        The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
        To whom be praise forever more.
                                           J. S. B. Monsell

Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him.....Psalms 105:2

     Very few Christians live in a world of music - where words become notes and the notes become songs.  
     But through the ages, thankfully, God has gifted certain men and women who have written words and who have composed notes.  The end result is that Christendom now has a vast number of marvelous hymns!
     However, it is the duty of every Christian to take some of those hymns and make them personal and not just confine those songs to be sung only in church.  For life is not lived out in church, but life is lived out at home, at work and wherever we go.
     But why do we so little sing when we are away from church?
     Do we not have in a week’s time numerous fears, cares, temptations, and worries to contend with?  Don’t we face broken dreams, aching hearts, and ill health?  Are we not slow to trust God in everything?  Are we not possessors of “little faith?”
     Haven’t we been redeemed?  Haven’t we been sealed by the Spirit?  Haven’t we been made complete in Him?  Aren’t we bound for Heaven?
     How can we not help but sing songs of encouragement to ourselves?
     How can we not help sing hymns of praise and adoration to God?
     Enough with questions. 
     Let’s end with a glorious thought:  as we personally sing our songs of encouragement or praise, perhaps........perhaps..... perhaps someone might hear, turn to God and seek forgiveness of their sins!                                                         
                                                                                                                                         M. Robbins

Sunday, January 24, 2016

          Jesus my Savior is all things to me;
          O what a wonderful Savior is He!
          Guiding, protecting, o’er life’s rolling sea,
          Mighty Deliv’rer-Jesus for me!

          Jesus in sickness, and Jesus in health,
          Jesus in poverty, comfort or wealth,
          Sunshine or tempest, whatever it be,
          He is my Safety-Jesus for me!

          He is my Refuge, my Rock and my Tower,
          He is my Fortress, my Strength and my Power;
          Life everlasting, my Daysman is He,
          Blessed Redeemer-Jesus for me!

          He is my Prophet, my Priest and my King,
          He is my Bread of Life, Fountain and Spring;
          Bright Sun of Righteousness, Daystar is He,
          Horn of Salvation-Jesus for me!

          Jesus in sorrow, in joy or in pain,
          Jesus, my Treasure in loss or in gain;
          Constant companion, where’er I may be,
          Living or dying-Jesus for me!

          Jesus for me! 
          Jesus for me!
          All the time, ev’rywhere,
          Jesus for me!
                                         Wm. J. Kirkpatrick

What shall we then say to these things?  If God be for us, who can be against us?  Romans 8:31

.....He was “for us” before the worlds were made; He was “for us” or He would not have given His well-beloved Son; He was “for us” when He smote the only-begotten, and laid the full weight of His wrath upon Him-He was “for us,” though He was against Him; He was “for us” when we were ruined in the fall-He loved us notwithstanding all; He was “for us” when we were rebels against Him, and with a high hand were bidding Him defiance; He was “for us,” or He would not have brought us humbly to seek His face.  He has been “for us” in many struggles; we have been summoned to encounter hosts of dangers; we have been assailed by temptations from without and within-how could we have remained unharmed to this hour if He had not been “for us”?  He is “for us” with all the infinity of His being; with all the omnipotence of His love; with all the infallibility of His wisdom; arrayed in all His divine attributes, He is “for us;” “for us” when yon blue skies shall be rolled up like a worn-out vesture; “for us” throughout eternity.  And because He is “for us,” the voice of prayer will always ensure His help.  “When I cry unto Thee, then shall mine enemies be turned back.”......O believer, how happy art thou with the King of kings on thy side!  How safe with such a Protector!  How sure thy cause, pleaded by such an Advocate!  If God be for thee, who can be against thee?
                                                                                                                                        C. H. Spurgeon

Saturday, January 23, 2016

          Men have their sorrows,
          Men have their cares;
          So, heir of God,
          Trust in the Lord:
          It’s better higher up!

          Age has it’s burdens,
          Age has it’s fears;
          So, heir of God,
          Believe the Lord:
          It’s better higher up!

          Earth has her battles,       
          Earth has her strife;       
          So, heir of God,        
          Lean on the Lord:   
          It’s better higher up!

          Yes, it’s better higher up!
          God’s on His throne above;
          So, heir of God,
          Praise Christ the Lord:
          It’s better higher up!
                                                           M. Robbins

....God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.  And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.  Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.  Gal 4:4-7

     Not long ago there lived an old bed ridden saint, and a Christian lady who visited her found her always very cheerful.  This visitor had a lady friend of wealth who constantly looked on the dark side of things, and was always cast down although she was a professed Christian.  She thought it would do this lady good to see the bed ridden saint, so she took her down to the house.  She lived up in the garret, five stories up, and when they had got to the first story the lady drew up her dress and said, "How dark and filthy it is!"
     "It's better higher up," said her friend. 
     They got to the next story, and it was no better; the lady complained again, but her friend replied, "It’s better higher up."
     At the third floor it seemed still worse, and the lady kept complaining, but her friend kept saying, "It's better higher up."
     At last they got to the fifth story, and when they went into the sickroom, there was a nice carpet on the floor, there were flowering plants in the window, and little birds singing.  And there they found this bed ridden saint—one of those saints whom God is polishing for his own temple—just beaming with joy. 
     The lady said to her, "It must be very hard for you to lie here."
     She smiled, and said, "It’s better higher up."
     Yes!  And if things go against us, my friends, let us remember that "it's better higher up."
                                                                                                                                      Dwight L. Moody

Friday, January 22, 2016

The prophets’ sons in time of old,
Though to appearance poor,
Were rich without possessing gold,
And honored, though obscure.

In peace their daily bread they eat,
By honest labor earned;
While daily at Elisha’s feet
They grace and wisdom learned.

The prophet's presence cheered their toil,
They watched the words he spoke;
Whether they turned the furrowed soil,
Or felled the spreading oak.

Once as they listened to his theme,
Their conference was stopped:
For one beneath the yielding stream,
A borrowed axe had dropped.

"Alas! it was not mine," he said,
"How shall I make it good?"
Elisha heard, and when he prayed
The iron swam like wood.

If God, in such a small affair,
A miracle performs;
It shows His condescending care
Of poor unworthy worms.

Though kings and nations in His view
Are but as motes and dust,
His eyes and ear are fixed on you,
Who in His mercy trust.

Not one concern of ours is small,
If we belong to Him;
To teach us this, the Lord of all
Once made the iron swim.
                   John Newton

     The axe-head seemed hopelessly lost, and as it was borrowed, the honour of the prophetic band was likely to be imperilled, and so the name of their God to be compromised.  Contrary to all expectation, the iron was made to mount from the depth of the stream and to swim; for things impossible with man are possible with God.  I knew a man in Christ but a few years ago who was called to undertake a work far exceeding his strength.  It appeared so difficult as to involve absurdity in the bare idea of attempting it.  Yet he was called thereto, and his faith rose with the occasion; God honoured his faith, unlooked-for aid was sent, and the iron did swim.  Another of the Lord’s family was in grievous financial straits, he was able to meet all claims, and much more if he could have realized a certain portion of his estate, but he was overtaken with a sudden pressure; he sought for friends in vain, but faith led him to the unfailing Helper, and lo, the trouble was averted, his footsteps were enlarged, and the iron did swim.  A third had a sorrowful case of depravity to deal with.  He had taught, reproved, warned, invited, and interceded, but all in vain.  Old Adam was too strong for young Melancthon, the stubborn spirit would not relent.  Then came an agony of prayer, and before long a blessed answer was sent from heaven.  The hard heart was broken, the iron did swim.
     Beloved reader, what is thy desperate case?  What heavy matter hast thou in hand this evening?  Bring it hither.  The God of the prophets lives, and lives to help his saints.  He will not suffer thee to lack any good thing.  Believe thou in the Lord of hosts!  Approach him pleading the name of Jesus, and the iron shall swim; thou too shalt see the finger of God working marvels for his people.  According to thy faith be it unto thee, and yet again the iron shall swim.  (2 Kings 6:5)                                     
                                                                                                                                          C. H. Spurgeon

Thursday, January 21, 2016

The best way to ease thyself is to lay thy load upon God; he will take it up and also carry thee.  There is many a man would be willing to go of himself, if another would but carry his burden for him; but if thou throwest thy burden upon God he will not only carry that, but will also carry thee.  He cares not how much weight a Christian layeth on his back; a true Israelite may ease himself, and best please his God at once.  God delights not to see tears in thine eyes, or paleness in thy countenance; thy groans and sighs make no music in his ears.  He had rather that thou wouldst free thyself of thy burden by casting it upon him, that he might rejoice in thy joy and comfort.  Now, true confidence in God, and resting upon God, will both free thee of thy burden and also bring in the strength of God to sustain and bear thee up from falling.  Wouldst thou, therefore, own God as thy strength, and fetch strength from God to thy soul? rest upon God, roll thyself upon him, and that, (1) In time of greatest weakness. (2) In time of greatest service. (3) In times of greatest trials.
                                                                                                                                  Samuel Blackerby

As we praise the Lord above,
As we trust His heart of love,
Let us do as we’ve been told;
We can never be too bold;
     Let us cast our care on Him.

As we tell Him of our fears,
As we let Him dry our tears,
Let us do as we’ve been told;
We will never find Him cold;
     Let us cast our care on Him.

As we in His Word abide,
As we let Him be our Guide,
Let us do as we’ve been told;
We are children of His fold;
     Let us cast our care on Him.

Let us now on Him obey;
Come today; now don’t delay;
Let us do as we’ve been told;
We can never be too bold;
     Let us cast our care on Him.
                            M. Robbins

Care, even though exercised upon legitimate objects, if carried to excess, has in it the nature of sin.  The precept to avoid anxious care is earnestly inculcated by our Saviour, again and again; it is reiterated by the apostles; and it is one which cannot be neglected without involving transgression; for the very essence of anxious care is the imagining that we are wiser than God, and the thrusting ourselves into His place to do for Him that which He has undertaken to do for us.  We attempt to think of that which we fancy He will forget; we labor to take upon ourselves our weary burden, as if He were unable or unwilling to take it for us.  Now this disobedience to His plain precept, this unbelief in His Word, this presumption in intruding upon His province, is all sinful.  Yet more than this, anxious care often leads to acts of sin.  He who cannot calmly leave his affairs in God's hand, but will carry his own burden, is very likely to be tempted to use wrong means to help himself.  This sin leads to a forsaking of God as our counselor, and resorting instead to human wisdom.  This is going to the "broken cistern" instead of to the "fountain;" a sin which was laid against Israel of old.   Anxiety makes us doubt God's loving kindness, and thus our love to Him grows cold; we feel mistrust, and thus grieve the Spirit of God, so that our prayers become hindered, our consistent example marred, and our life one of self-seeking.  Thus want of confidence in God leads us to wander far from Him; but if, through simple faith in His promise, we cast each burden as it comes upon Him, and are "careful for nothing" because He undertakes to care for us, it will keep us close to Him, and strengthen us against much temptation.  "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusteth in Thee."
                                                                                                                                        C. H. Spurgeon

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Nothing to pay, for atonement’s made,
The blood has been shed and the debt is paid.

Nothing to pay, for the blotted scroll
Was nailed to the cross where He saved my soul.

Nothing to pay; yet my all I owe,
Unto the dear Lord who hath loved me so.

Nothing to pay, but myself I’ll bring
To serve Him forever, my Savior King.

Nothing to pay; but our thanks we’ll raise,
With rapture we’ll render immortal praise.

Nothing to pay, nothing to pay,
For Jesus has taken my debt away.
                                 L. H. Edmunds

And Jesus answering said unto him, Simon, I have somewhat to say unto thee. And he saith, Master, say on. There was a certain creditor which had two debtors: the one owed five hundred pence, and the other fifty. And when they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them both. Tell me therefore, which of them will love him most? Simon answered and said, I suppose that he, to whom he forgave most. And he said unto him, Thou hast rightly judged. And he turned to the woman, and said unto Simon, Seest thou this woman? I entered into thine house, thou gavest me no water for my feet: but she hath washed my feet with tears, and wiped them with the hairs of her head. Thou gavest me no kiss: but this woman since the time I came in hath not ceased to kiss my feet. My head with oil thou didst not anoint: but this woman hath anointed my feet with ointment. Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are for-given; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little. And he said unto her, Thy sins are forgiven. And they that sat at meat with him began to say within themselves, Who is this that forgiveth sins also? And he said to the woman, Thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace.  Luke 7:40-50

     I heard of an Englishman that when the Lord converted him, had a great desire to see every man converted.  So he went into one town, and gave notice that he would preach.  It got noised round that the man was rich, so he had a great audience the first night, but, the next night hardly any one was there.  Then he got out placards, and stated that if any man in that town owed any debt, if they would come round to his office between nine and twelve o'clock on a certain day, he would pay the debt.  That went through the town like wild-fire.
     One said to the other, "John, do you believe that?" 
     "No, I am not going to believe that any stranger is going to pay our debts."
     The day came, and at nine o'clock the man was there.  At ten o'clock none had come.  At eleven o'clock a man was seen walking up and down, and finally he stuck his head in the door and said, "Is it true that you will pay any man's debt?"
     "Yes; do you owe any debt?" 
     "Have you brought the necessary papers?"
     So the man drew a check and paid the other's debt, and he kept him and talked with him till twelve o'clock; and before twelve o'clock two other men came and got their debts paid.  At twelve o'clock that man let them out, and the people outside said to them, "He paid your debts, did not he?"
     "Yes, he did," they answered.  The people laughed and made fun of them, and would not believe it till they pulled out the check, and said, "There it is.  He has paid all the debt."
     Then the people said, "What fools we were, we did not go in and get our debts paid!"
     But they could not; it was too late; the door was closed.  Then the man preached the Gospel, and great crowds went to hear him; and he said, "Now, my friends, that is what God wants to do, but you will not let Him do it.  Christ came to pay our debts, and that is the Gospel."
                                                                                                               regarding D. L. Moody, written by
                                                                                                                          Abbie Clemens Morrow

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

When God the way of life would teach,
And gather all His own,
He placed them safe beyond the reach
Of death, by blood alone.

By Christ, the sinless Lamb of God,
The precious blood was shed,
When He fulfilled God’s holy word,
And suffered in our stead.

O soul, for thee salvation thus
By God is freely given;
The blood of Christ atones for sin,
And makes us meet for heaven.

The wrath of God that was our due,
Upon the Lamb was laid;
And by the shedding of His blood,
The debt for us was paid.

How calm the judgment hour shall pass
To all who do obey
The word of God about the blood,
And make that word their stay.

It is His word, God’s precious word,
It stands forever true:
When I, the Lord, shall see the blood,
I will pass over you.
                             El. Nathan

And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.  Exod 12:13

Mark the form of the promise.  God does not say, "And when ye shall look upon the bow, and ye shall remember My covenant, then I will not destroy the earth;" but it is gloriously put, not upon our memory, which is fickle and frail, but upon God's memory, which is infinite and immutable.  "The bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant."  Oh, it is not my remembering God, it is God's remembering me, which is the ground of my safety; it is not my laying hold of His covenant, but His covenant's laying hold on me.  Glory be to God!  The whole of the bulwarks of salvation are secured by divine power, and even the minor towers, which we may imagine might have been left to man, are guarded by almighty strength.  Even the remembrance of the covenant is not left to our memories, for we might forget; but our Lord cannot forget the saints whom He has graven on the palms of His hands.  It is with us as with Israel in Egypt; the blood was upon the lintel and the two side-posts, but the Lord did not say, "When you see the blood I will pass over you," but, "When I see the blood, I will pass over you."  My looking to Jesus brings me joy and peace, but it is God's looking to Jesus which secures my salvation and that of all His elect, since it is impossible for our God to look at Christ, our bleeding Surety, and then to be angry with us for sins already punished in Him.  No, it is not left with us even to be saved by remembering the covenant.  There is no linsey-woolsey here-not a single thread of the creature mars the fabric.  It is not of man, neither by man, but of the Lord alone.  We should remember the covenant, and we shall do it, through divine grace; but the hinge of our safety does not hang there-it is God's remembering us, not our remembering Him; and hence the covenant is an everlasting covenant. 
                                                                                                                                        C. H. Spurgeon

Monday, January 18, 2016

They that trust in the LORD shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever.  As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the LORD is round about his people from henceforth even for ever.  Psalms 125:1-2

     That which is here promised the saints is a perpetual preservation of them in that condition wherein they are; both on the part of God, “he is round about them from henceforth even for ever;” and on their parts, “they shall not be removed,”-- that is, from the condition of acceptation with God wherein they are supposed to be, but they shall abide for ever, and continue therein immovable unto the end.  This is a plain promise of their continuance in that condition wherein they are, with their safety from thence, and not a promise of some other good thing provided that they continue in that condition.  Their being compared to mountains, and their stability, which consists in their being and continuing so, will admit no other sense.  As mount Zion abides in its condition, so shall they; and as the mountains about Jerusalem continue, so doth the Lord continue his presence unto them.
     That expression which is used, verse 2, is weighty and full to this purpose, “The LORD is round about his people from hence-forth even forever.”  What can be spoken more fully, more pathetically?  Can any expression of men so set forth the safety of the saints?  The Lord is round about them, not to save them from this or that incursion, but from all; not from one or two evils, but from every one whereby they are or may be
assaulted.  He is with them, and round about them on every side that no evil shall come nigh them.  It is a most full expression of universal preservation, or of God’s keeping his saints in his love and favour, upon all accounts whatsoever; and that not for a season only, but it is “henceforth,” from his giving this promise unto their souls in particular, and their receiving of it, throughout all generations, ”even for ever.”
                                                                                                                                            John Owen

Sunday, January 17, 2016

The mistake of Christians is in not praying over little things.  "The hairs of your head are all numbered."  Consult God about everything.  Expect His counsel, His guidance, His care, His provision, His deliverance, His blessing, in everything.  Does not the expression, "Our daily bread," mean just this?  Can there be any true life of faith that does not include this?  Whatever will serve to help God's children to a better understanding of the blessed privileges of prayer, and prove to them the reality of God's answering prayer in the cares, trials and troubles of daily life, will approve itself to all thoughtful minds as a blessing to them and an honor to God.
                                                                                                                            D. W. Whittle


Often God's children are driven to the throne of grace by some desperate need of help and definite supply of an absolute want, and, as they cry to God and plead their case with tears before him, he so manifests his presence to them and so fills them with a consciousness of his love and power, that the burden is gone and without the want being supplied that drove them to God, they rejoice in God himself and care not for the deprivation.  This was Paul's experience when he went thus to God about the thorn, and came away without the specific relief he had prayed for, but with such a blessing as a result of his drawing near to God, that he little cared whether the thorn remained or not—or, rather, rejoiced that it was not removed; that it might be used to keep him near to God, whose love so filled his soul.
                                                                                                                                  D. W. Whittle

Saturday, January 16, 2016

From a Letter by John Newton dated February, 1774 to a Nobleman

My Lord,
.....He is near and attentive to every one of them, as if there was only that one.  This high and lofty One, who inhabits eternity, before whom the angels veil their faces, condescends to hold communion with those whom men despise.  He sees not as man seeth-—rides on a cloud disdainful of a sultan or a czar, to manifest himself to an humble soul in a mud-walled cottage.  He comforts them when in trouble, strengthens them when weak, makes their beds in sickness, revives them when fainting, upholds them when falling, and so seasonably and effectually manages for them, that though they are persecuted and tempted, though their enemies are many and mighty, nothing that they feel or fear is able to separate them from his love.
.....But when he has a work to accomplish, and his time is come, however inadequate and weak the means he employs may seem to a carnal eye, the success is infallibly secured; for all things serve him, and are in his hands as clay in the hands of the potter.  Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty! just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.....
                                                                                                                                              John Newton

Friday, January 15, 2016

From a Letter by John Newton dated January 27, 1778 to the Rev. Mr. B.

Dear and Rev. Sir,
     At present it is January with me, both within and without.  The outward sun shines and looks pleasant, but his beams are faint, and too feeble to dissolve the frost.  So it is in my heart; I have many bright and pleasant beams of truth in my view, but cold predominates in my frost-bound spirit, and they have but little power to warm me.  I could tell a stranger something about Jesus that would perhaps astonish him: such a glorious person! such wonderful love! such humiliation! such a death! and then what he is now in himself, and what he is to his people!  What a sun! what a shield! what a root! what a life! what a friend!  My tongue can run upon these subjects sometimes; and could my heart keep pace with it, I should be the happiest fellow in the country.  Stupid creature! to know these things so well, and yet be no more affected with them!  Indeed I have reason to be upon ill terms with myself!  It is strange that pride should ever find anything in my experience to feed upon; but this completes my character for folly, vileness, and inconsistency, that I am not only poor, but proud; and though I am convinced I am a very wretch, a nothing before the Lord, I am prone to go forth among my fellow-creatures as though I were wise and good.
     You wonder what I am doing, and well you may; I am sure you would if you lived with me.  Too much of my time passes in busy idleness, too much in waking dreams.  I aim at something; but hindrances from within and without make it difficult for me to accomplish anything.  I dare not say I am absolutely idle, or that I wilfully waste much of my time.  I have seldom one hour free from interruption.  Letters come that must be answered, visitants that must be received, business that must be attended to.  I have a good many sheep and lambs to look after, sick and afflicted souls, dear to the Lord; and therefore whatever stands still, these must not be neglected.  Amongst various avocations, night comes before I am ready for noon; and the week closes, when, according to the state of my business, it should not be more than Tuesday.  O precious, irrecoverable time!  O that I had more wisdom in redeeming and improving thee!  Pray for me, that the Lord may teach me to serve him better.
                                                                                                                                              John Newton

Thursday, January 14, 2016

     All the good we can do to God is to praise and to thank him.  This is the only true service we can render him.  We receive all blessings from him, in return for which we should make the offering of praise.  If anything else purporting to be service to God is presented for your consideration, rest assured it is erroneous and delusive.  The distracted world attempts to serve God by setting apart houses, churches, cloisters, vestures, images, bells, organs and candles; the money for this expense should have been appropriated for the poor, if the object was to make an offering to God.  Service to God is praise to him.  It must be free and voluntary at table, in the chamber, in house or field, in all places, with all persons, at all times.
     But how shall there be honor and praise of God, when we do not love him?  How shall we love him when we do not know him and his blessings?  How shall we know him and his blessings when no word is preached concerning them and when the gospel is left to lie under the table?  Where the gospel is not in evidence, knowledge of God is an impossibility.  Then to love and praise him is likewise impossible.  True divine service of praise cannot be established with revenues, nor be circumscribed by laws and statutes.  It emanates from the gospel, and certainly is as often rendered by a poor, rustic servant as by a great bishop.
                                                                                                                                              Martin Luther

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.  Ps 126:5

The spiritual redemption which was effected by Jesus Christ is the Christian's highest consolation and joy; and the greatest miracle which God ever wrought among men.  God often so deals with His children, that they receive greater blessings than they themselves had hoped for.  It is our duty as Christians to remember before God, in our prayers, those who are in distress and have been wrongly imprisoned.  The tears of true repentance and of sanctified affliction are a precious seed, from which will spring a joyful harvest.  In the kingdom of nature the seed bears after its own kind, but God has a different order for believers in the kingdom of glory.  They sow tears and reap joy.  Where nothing is sown, nothing will be harvested.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.…Philippians 4:6-7                               

     Bulstrode Whitelocke, Cromwell's envoy to Sweden, was one night so disturbed in mind over the state of his nation that he could not sleep.  His servant observing it said, "Pray, sir, will you give me leave to ask you a question?"
     "Do you think that God governed the world very well before you came into it?"
     "Then, pray, sir, excuse me, do you not think that you may trust Him to govern it as long as you live?"  No answer could be given, and composure and sleep followed.
                                                                                                                                                    J. L. Nye

Monday, January 11, 2016

     Grace is what we need just now, and it is to be had freely.  What can be freer than a gift?  To-day we shall receive sustaining, strengthening, sanctifying, satisfying grace.  He has given daily grace until now, and as for the future, that grace is still sufficient.  If we have but little grace, the fault must lie in ourselves; for the Lord is not straitened, neither is he slow to bestow it in abundance.  We may ask for as much as we will and never fear a refusal.  He giveth liberally and upbraideth not.
     The Lord may not give gold, but he will give grace: he may not give gain, but he will give grace.  He will certainly send us trial, but he will give grace in proportion thereto.  We may be called to labour, and to suffer, but with the call there will come all the grace required.
     What an AND is that in the text—"and glory"!  We do not need glory yet, and we are not yet fit for it; but we shall have it in due order.  After we have eaten the bread of grace, we shall drink the wine of glory.  We must go through the holy—which is grace, to the holiest of all—which is glory.  These words "and glory" are enough to make a man dance for joy.  A little while—a little while, and then glory for ever!
                                                                                                                                          C. H. Spurgeon

Sunday, January 10, 2016

     Our Jehovah cannot so forget his servants as to cease to love them.  He chose them not for a time, but for ever.  He knew what they would be when he called them into the divine family.  He blots out their sins like a cloud; and we may be sure that he will not turn them out of doors for iniquities which he has blotted out.  It would be blasphemy to imagine such a thing. 
     He will not forget them so as to cease to think of them.  One forgetful moment on the part of our God would be our ruin.  Therefore he says:  "Thou shalt not be forgotten of me."  Men forget us:  those whom we have benefitted turn against us:  we have no abiding place in the fickle hearts of men; but God will never forget one of his true servants.  He binds himself to us not by what we do for him, but by what he has done for us.  We have been loved too long, and bought at too great a price to be now forgotten.  Jesus sees in us his soul's travail, and that he never can forget.  The Father sees in us the spouse of his Son, and the Spirit sees in us his own effectual work.  The Lord thinketh upon us.  This day we shall be succored and sustained.  Oh, that the Lord may never be forgotten of us.
                                                                                                                                          C. H. Spurgeon

Saturday, January 9, 2016

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.  Isa 55:11

     An English minister told the following:
     I was asked to go to a public house in Nottingham to see the landlord's wife, who was dying.  I found her rejoicing in Christ as her Saviour.
     I asked her how she found the Lord. 
     "Reading that," she replied, handing me a torn piece of paper.
     I looked at it and found it was a part of an American newspaper, containing an extract from one of Spurgeon's sermons, which extract had been the means of her conversion.
     "Where did you find this newspaper?" I asked. 
     "It was wrapped around a parcel sent to me from Australia."
     A sermon preached in London, cabled or sent to America, and there printed in a newspaper, which was sent to Australia, part of it being torn off there for the parcel sent to England, which reached the heart of a woman, that probably could not easily have been reached in any other way, not many miles from where the words were originally spoken.  What a comment on Isaiah 55:11.
                                                                                                                from a book by Frederick Barton

Friday, January 8, 2016

.....the more that they know of his name, that is, of his goodness, mercy, truth, power, wisdom, justice, etc., so may they the more boldly pray unto him, not doubting but that he will be answerable unto his name.....For as among men, according to the good name that they have for liberality and pity, so will men be ready to come unto them in their need, and the poor will say, “I will go to such an house for they have a good name, and are counted good to the poor, and merciful, all men speak well of them for their liberality;” and this name of theirs giveth the encouragement to come boldly and often.  So when we know God thus by his name, it will make us bold to come unto him in prayer.....Or, if a man be never so merciful, and others know it not, and so they are ignorant of his good name that he hath, and that he is worthy of, they cannot, with any good hope, come unto him, for they know not what he is; they have heard nothing of him at all.  So when, by unbelief, we hardly conceive of God and of his goodness, or for want of knowledge are ignorant of his good name, even of all his mercy, and of his truth, pity and compassion that is in him, and so know not his great and glorious name, we can have little or no heart at all to come unto him in trouble, and seek unto him for help by prayer, as these did here; and this maketh some so forward unto prayer, they are so well acquainted with the name of God, that they doubt not of speeding, and others again are so backward unto it, they are so wholly ignorant of his name.
                                                                                                                                          Nicholas Bownd

Thursday, January 7, 2016

     Let not your burden rest upon yourselves; for ye cannot bear it, and must finally perish beneath its weight.  Confident and full of joy, cast it upon God, and say:  Heavenly Father, thou art my Lord and God, who didst create me and hast redeemed me through thy Son.  Now, thou hast committed to me and laid upon me this office or work; things do not go as well as I would like.  There is so much to oppress and worry, that I can find neither counsel nor help.  Therefore I commend everything to thee.  Do thou supply counsel and help, and be thou, thyself, everything in these things.  Such prayer is pleasing to God, as he tells us to throw upon him all anxiety as to the issue and what we shall accomplish..........
     The Christian has the rare faculty, above all other people on earth, of knowing where to place his cares.  He commits his troubles to God and proceeds with vigor against all that opposes.  In time of danger and in the hour of death, when, with all his worrying, he cannot discover where he is or whither he is journeying, he must, with eyes, senses and thoughts closed to the world, surrender himself in faith and confidence to God and cast himself upon his hand and protection, and say:  God has permitted me to live until this hour without my solicitude.  He has given me his beloved Son as a treasure and sure pledge of eternal life.  Therefore, my dear soul, journey on in joy.  Thou hast a faithful Father and Saviour, who has taken thee into his own hand, and will preserve thee.
                                                                                                                                              Martin Luther

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

     The act of prayer teaches us our unworthiness, which is a very salutary lesson for such proud beings as we are.  If God gave us favors without constraining us to pray for them, we should never know how poor we are; but a true prayer is an inventory of wants, a catalogue of necessities, a revelation of hidden poverty.  While it is an application to divine wealth, it is a confession of human emptiness.  The most healthy state of a Christian is to be always empty in self, and constantly depending upon the Lord for supplies; to be always poor in self, and rich in Jesus; weak as water personally, but mighty, through God, to do great exploits; and hence the use of prayer, because, while it adores God, it lays the creature where it should be, in the very dust.  Prayer is in itself, apart from the answer which it brings, a great benefit to the Christian.  As the runner gains strength for the race by daily exercise, so for the great race of life we acquire energy by the hallowed labor of prayer.  Prayer plumes the wings of God's young eaglets, that they may learn to mount above the clouds.  Prayer girds the loins of God's warriors, and sends them forth to combat with their sinews braced and their muscles firm.  An earnest pleader cometh out of his closet, even as the sun ariseth from the chambers of the east, rejoicing like a strong man to run his race.  Prayer is that uplifted hand of Moses which routs the Amalekites more than the sword of Joshua; it is the arrow shot from the chamber of the prophet foreboding defeat to the Syrians.  Prayer girds human weakness with divine strength, turns human folly into heavenly wisdom, and gives to troubled mortals the peace of God.  We know not what prayer cannot do!  We thank thee, great God, for the mercy-seat, a choice proof of Thy marvellous loving-kindness.  Help us to use it aright throughout this day!
                                                                                                                                C. H. Spurgeon

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.  Rom. 13:12

We are not profited by the shining of the sun, and the day it produces, if our eyes fail to perceive its light.  Similarly, though the gospel is revealed and Christ is proclaimed to the world, none are enlightened but those who receive it, who have risen from sleep through the agency of the light of faith.  They who sleep are not affected by the sun and the day; they receive no light and receive as little as if there were neither sun nor day.  It is to our day that Paul refers when he says: "Knowing the season, that already it is time for you to wake out of sleep."  In the light of our spiritual knowledge we are to rise from sleep and lay aside the works of darkness.  Paul is not addressing unbelievers.  He tells the Romans they know the time is at hand, that the night is past and the dawn appears.  But why this passage to believers?  Because no one ever gets to the point of knowledge where it is not necessary to admonish him, continually to urge him to new reflections upon what he already knows; for there is danger of his untiring enemies the devil, the world and the flesh—wearying him and causing him to become negligent, and ultimately lulling him to sleep.  There should, therefore, be continuous exhorting to vigilance and activity.  Hence the Holy Spirit is called the Comforter or Helper, who incites and urges to good.
                                                                                                                                             Martin Luther

Monday, January 4, 2016

Trust the Saviour with your sorrow,
Breaking heart;
Strength and comfort for the morrow
He’ll impart;
None so willingly will share it,
None so gladly help to bear it;
Trust the Saviour with your sorrow,
Breaking heart!

Let the loving Saviour guide you,
Soul astray;
He will walk along beside you
All the way;
And if foes should overtake you,
He victorious will make you;
Let the loving Saviour guide you,
Soul astray!

Let the dear Redeemer heal you,
Wounded soul;
He alone can truly seal you,
Make you whole;
For to Him alone is given
Pow’r to heal the spirit riven;
Let the dear Redeemer heal you,
Wounded soul!

Trust the Saviour, fully trust Him;
He will prove a Friend indeed;
You no other friend will find
Half as faithful, true and kind;
O the Saviour is the Friend you need!
                             James Rowe

Close to the heart of thy Savior,
Sure of His tenderest care,
Rest while the storm cloud is raging,
Peace and protection are there.

Close to the heart of thy Savior,
Boundless the strength of His love;
He will sustain thee while trusting,
Bear thee on wings as a dove.

Close to the heart of thy Savior,
Dwell in this haven of peace;
Jesus, the Ruler of tempests,
Maketh the tumult to cease.

Close to the heart of thy Savior,
Closer and closer each day;
Trusting His tender compassion,
He will not turn thee away.
                                   Ada Powell

Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength  Isa 26:4   

Sunday, January 3, 2016

O Thou whose bounty fills my cup
With ev’ry blessing meet,
I give Thee thanks for ev’ry drop,
The bitter and the sweet!

I praise Thee for the desert road,
And for the riverside;
For all Thy goodness hath bestowed,
And all Thy grace denied.

I thank Thee for both smile and frown,
And for the gain and loss;
I praise Thee for the future crown,
And for the present cross.

I thank Thee for Thy wing of love,
Which stirred my worldly nest,
And for the stormy clouds that drove
The flutt’rer to Thy breast.

I thank Thee for the glad increase,
And for the waning joy,
And for this strange, this settled peace
Which nothing can destroy.

In ev’rything give thanks,
In ev’rything give thanks,
For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus
Concerning you!
                       Jane Crewdson


For sickness, sadness, pain and loss,
For fellowship with Jesu’s Cross
That turns this world’s gold into dross,-
  For this we thank Thee!

For loving faithfulness and grace
That cast us down upon our face,
And make the flesh take its own place,-
  For this we thank Thee!

In all our joy and all our grief,
For chast’ning sore, or sweet relief,
For lengthen’d days, or waiting brief,-
  For all we thank Thee!

And when our time on earth is o’er,
When in Thy presence we adore,
O then, for all that’s gone before,
  We e’er shall thank Thee!
                                         Samuel Ridout

O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.  Psalms 136:1 

Saturday, January 2, 2016

‘Midst a night which has no stars,
‘midst a day which owns no sun,
I cry to You with a child like voice:
“Please abide with me!”

Yes, my Lord, through howling winds -
through massive thunderstorms,
hear my child like cry to You:
“Please abide with me!”

But it matters not that I’ve been clothed
with Your choicest robe of love
and it matters not that I’ve been crowned
with glory and with grace -

At least that’s what my flesh now speaks
to my tempest driven soul
and so with fear my spirit cries:
“Lord! Please abide with me!”

Rather yet, oh Lord, my God,
please grant this simple cry:
“May You and I be ever joined
 With I in You and You in me.”
                          M. Robbins

     I have no knowledge of “forever” but I know of One who does!
     And the One who cannot lie has given all Christians a “forever” special promise in John 14:16 - “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever.”
     And this Comforter, this Spirit of God, is “forever” with you.....through your dangers, toils, and fears.  He is there with you “forever” when you’re young and when you’re old.
     And because He’s yours “forever,” you are “forever” blest! 
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Friday, January 1, 2016

Come, let us praise the Lord above
who is the great I AM;
His greatness is unsearchable;
make known to men His deeds.

His deeds were from the start of time -
we know that from His Word
and He will be when time has ceased
the everlasting God.

Yet, how will I begin the praise?
What deed will be the first?
How can I, a mortal man,
record omnipotence?

Yet, there’s a deed I’ve heard about
which I MUST know firsthand.
“Oh Christ, who suffered on the cross,
please save me from my sins!”

Come, let us praise the Lord above
who is the great I AM;
His deeds reflect His many names -
and “Savior” is the best!
        M. Robbins

     Many people fabricate stories about themselves to appear “greater” than they are.  Achievements are spoken about which never occurred, financial worth is greatly exaggerated, college degrees are lied about, etc.
     But Christians don’t have to worry about God’s greatness being overrated.  Psalms 145:3 states:  “Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable.”  Jeremiah 10:6 states:  “...there is none like unto thee, O LORD; thou art great, and thy name is great in might.”  And then Psalms 147:5 says this about God:  “Great is our Lord, and of great power: his understanding is infinite.”
     So let us be amazed once more of God’s great deeds in the Old Testament - like His leading of David from being a watcher of sheep to His placement of David upon the throne of Israel.
     And in the New Testament let us rejoice over the summation of His greatest deed as written in John 3:16 - “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
     Then after our souls have been enraptured over the greatness of some of God’s deeds, let us go forth and do what Psalms 105:1 exhorts us to do:  “...make known his deeds among the people.”                                                                                          
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